Are We in the Same Relationship? When the Composite Chart Affects Each Partner Differently
Two people can be in the same relationship, but experience it in totally different ways. When assessing astrological compatibility, synastry (comparing one partner’s chart to the other) is ground zero. But once the partnership is established, it’s revealing to compare the Composite chart to each natal chart. This will tell the story of how each person feels about the relationship — whether it’s comfortable for one and restrictive for the other, or whether the relationship means the world to only one partner.
Composite Aspects to the Lights, Angles and Nodes
The first thing to look for are aspects from Composite planets to natal angles (cusps of the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th Houses), Sun or Moon (the lights) and the North/South Nodes. These are major players in the natal chart, and if Composite planets aspect them, the relationship will have a significant impact on that person’s life. The type of impact will depend on the aspects and planets involved.
For example, if the Composite Sun conjuncts one partner’s Moon, the relationship’s purpose will have a direct impact on their emotions. It will feel natural for them to be in the partnership. Other aspects to the Composite Sun (like a square from Composite Saturn) will also hit the Moon person, perhaps making them feel locked into the relationship. But the point is, the partnership will hook them on a gut level. A conjunction from Composite Uranus to one partner’s 4th House cusp (home, family and childhood) suggests that the relationship will stir up their domestic life. Uranus can be illuminating and disruptive, so perhaps this relationship will bring up repressed, childhood memories. On a positive note, it can liberate them from limiting attitudes (rooted in the past); maybe the partnership dynamics make them aware that there is a different way to approach marriage. But first, they will be forced to confront the ways in which their parents’ marriage was unhealthy. This will be upsetting, but ultimately freeing (Uranus). Depending on how attached they are to their version of the past, they may leave the relationship instead of leaving their past behind. Or vice versa.
Aspects from Composite planets to the natal Nodes will also have a profound effect. Conjunctions to the natal South Node suggest that the relationship was part of that person’s past life, so it will feel familiar to them. Initially, they may be drawn into the union. But the risk with South Node contacts is the Node person may have a limited future in the partnership. At some point, as they evolve, they might feel that the relationship is holding them back. Conjunctions to the natal North Node indicate that the relationship has more room for the Node person to grow. Being part of this couple will prod them forward. But if they’re not ready, they will balk at any continuing involvement. On the other hand, they may feel that the relationship is an essential part of their future. Either way, Composite aspects to the Nodes will be felt on a “destiny” level.
Composite Aspects to the Other Planets
After the major players, look at aspects to the other personal planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars) and Chiron. These Composite aspects will still have a strong impact (although not as strong as the Sun, Moon, angles or Nodes). Composite Mars (initiative and sexual energy) conjunct natal Venus will be “hot” to the Venus person; they’ll feel sexier and more willing to open up in this particular relationship. But at the same time, they can be overwhelmed by the aggressive chemistry, especially if Composite Mars is pumped up by aspects from Composite Uranus or Pluto. Composite Neptune (dreams and illusion) squaring natal Mars can make the Mars person feel like they are chasing after an impossible dream. They may feel unsure when they try to take action (or have sex) in the relationship, and their energy level may be lower (Neptune can weaken Mars).
Composite planets making aspects to the natal, outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) will be felt, but not as intimately. Composite Mercury opposing natal Saturn (limits and authority) might suggest that the Saturn person can’t fully engage in conversations within the relationship. The exchange of ideas may seem silly, annoying or even threatening to them. Composite Moon squaring natal Pluto suggests that the the relationship’s emotional climate will be challenging for the Pluto person, triggering their anxiety about losing control. However, if Saturn or Pluto is not emphasized in the natal chart (if they’re not tuned into the energies of these planets) these Composite aspects may barely cause a ripple.
When One Partner Feels More
The person who receives stronger hits from the Composite chart will have more invested in the relationship. If Partner A’s Ascendant is conjunct the Composite Sun, the relationship will strengthen their identity. Throw in Composite Venus square their natal Neptune, and they’ll view the love (or what they think is love) in the partnership as ideal. If Partner B only receives a trine from Composite Jupiter (expansion) to their natal Mars, the relationship will give them an energetic boost. But they won’t feel it on the profound level as Partner A. When the relationship ends, Partner A may be devastated, while Partner B only feels regret.
Validating versus challenging Composite aspects is another scenario. Partner A gets a supportive trine from Composite Saturn (relationship rules) to their natal Sun and Moon; the inherent limits of the relationship steady them and give them a purpose. But Partner B has Composite Saturn squaring their natal Venus; they feel inhibited (from expressing their love and values) by the partnership’s limits. Partner A will probably be more willing to stick it out when the relationship hits a rough spot. Of course, you have to take each partner’s natal capacity for commitment into consideration.
If one person feels the relationship on a deeper level, there’s nothing you can do to change this. You can’t manufacture Composite aspects to their chart. Same idea if one person feels less comfortable with the relationship; they will continue to feel that level of discomfort for the duration of the partnership. But having this information (especially in the early stages) can tell you a lot about how each person will function in the relationship, and about their continuing desire to be part of it.
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