Venus in Aries, Mars in Cancer Compatibility
The tension created by a Venus in Aries/Mars in Cancer couple can be sexy, creative and energizing, or just plain irritating. Elemental opposites, this fire and water pairing does the best when the partners make use of their natural differences, rather than trying to fight against them.
Venus in Aries pulls no punches in relationships. Bold and impatient, she jumps right in, demanding love without apology. She likes to continually confront new challenges and can grow bored when romance is calm and trouble-free. Venus in Aries does best in love when she has someone to rescue or a hurdle to overcome. This Venus periodically needs to fight with her lover, both to keep things interesting and to clear out old baggage and cobwebs from the past that may be lingering.
Mars in Cancer takes a sideways approach to his desires, instead of approaching them head-on. Imaginative and dreamy, this crabby character brings a nurturing touch to his romantic relationships. His innate quest for emotional security makes him want to provide a safe and protected environment for his love connections to unfold without interruption. With a hard crab-shell exterior but a soft inner side, this Mars may not be exactly what he seems at first. He will only share his deepest self when he has developed trust over time with a partner, since for him, shared memories and emotions are the building blocks of a healthy relationship.
For Venus in Aries, Mars in Cancer is an exciting challenge, a watery mystery to woo. Mars in Cancer’s watertight defenses and moody emotional roller coaster rides may be exasperating, but they’re at least interesting. Mars in Cancer is both energized and frightened by Venus in Aries’ passionate fierceness in love, but as long as he gets plenty of time to recover, he’ll likely keep coming back for more.