Uranus’ Transit of Aries: Good News for the Fire Signs’ Love Lives
Since Uranus first entered Aries (briefly in 2010, and then for the long haul in March, 2011) there’s been concern about the harshness of this transit. Uranus is the disruptor, and aggressive Aries has juiced it up. People cringe, wondering if their love lives will be blown to smithereens. It’s true that some relationships (especially the stale ones) will be shaken. But Uranus in Aries doesn’t have to be an unpleasant jolt for everyone. If you have planets or angles in one of the Fire signs, this transit could give your love life a tingly boost, rather than a heart-stopping shock.
You love a challenge, becoming impatient with placid, predictable lovers. Uranus in your sign will pass over (conjunct) your planets or angles, mainlining all the excitement you can handle. This could appear in the form of a partner who is different from your usual type, because Uranus works by shaking up preconceived notions and patterns. In your case, these may involve your independence, and who comes first in the relationship (you). So an extra-spicy lover who challenges your dominance (and re-defines your ideas of freedom) could make an appearance. Buckle up, because this will be one of the most exciting relationships of your life. If you’re already involved, your relationship will receive a shove forward; you and/or your partner will feel the urge to experiment (in all areas, not just the bedroom). Difficulties will only arise if one of you is afraid of moving forward. And “fear” is not a word in your vocabulary.
The Highest Potential of This Transit: you wake up to what you’re truly capable of as a partner, and a lover. You become aware of exactly who you want, and you go after them.
This gold-dust transit is your invitation to the party. Uranus will be hitting your planets/angles with a flowing trine. The electricity of change is coming at you, but in manageable quantities. This is good news, because as a fixed sign, you’re not crazy about having your relationship habits disrupted. Uranus in Aries will give you opportunities to experiment, without looking foolish or sacrificing your pride. This will be due to the planet’s liberating mix of detachment and tolerance for risk. For you, this translates to pushing the boundaries (without getting too crazy) and not caring who’s watching. This could range from exploring the type of relationship you’ve always wanted, to seeing an existing partnership get a sizzling second wind. Despite your fixed nature, boredom sucks the life out of you; you want the romance and the fun, which is what you’ll get with this transit. If a relationship has recently ended, this influence will give you the confidence to blaze ahead to bigger and better things.
The Highest Potential of this Transit: it will be easier than ever for you to be you, in glorious color. Your superstar vibe will be appreciated by current or potential lovers, because you’ll be free to fully express it.
[ad]You’re all about trying new things and having freedom in your relationships, so this transit will be a gift. Uranus will be trining your planets/angles, opening up your already wide horizons. If (for some reason) you’ve been feeling a lack of hope in your love life, this influence should give you a jump start. It won’t be about new lovers falling into your lap (although anything can happen with Uranus). Rather, your natural ability to see the possibilities in anyone will be amplified. Uranus will give you an extra shot of inspiration, so you may travel to a brand new location and meet someone who sweeps you off your feet. Or, you may become aware of someone that you’ve overlooked (until now). Existing relationships will also be re-charged: you’ll be brimming with new ideas on how to change things up with your partner. But Uranus’ influence should make it easier for you to appreciate what your lover wants. Because you can get pushy (always with your partner’s best interests at heart) and forget that your way is not always the best way.
The Highest Potential of this Transit: you’ll be able to step back from your relationship ideals, and see the other person’s perspective. While this may not sound terribly sexy, it can be an invaluable tool for a happy love life.
The Fine Print
This transit is most likely to impact your love life if it hits your Venus, Mars, Sun, Moon or cusp of your 1st, 4th or 7th House. Any planets (in the Fire signs) that gets hit in your 4th, 5th, 7th or 8th Houses can also affect your relationships. Right now, Uranus is at 5 degrees Aries. You’ll feel it this year if you have planets/angles from 5 to 12 degrees of the Fire signs. If you have planets/angles that are less than 5 degrees, you’ve already felt Uranus’ energy; your love life has been opened up (hopefully) for the better. If you’re in the after-12-degrees category, your turn is coming up. Uranus will be in Aries until March, 2019.
- Uranus And The 7 Year Itch
- The Aries Man and Woman
- The Leo Man and Woman
- The Sagittarius Man and Woman