Your Weekly Horoscope for 1-7 of April

April starts in an interesting way, to say the least. Mercury goes retrograde on April 1, the Sun and North Node form a conjunction, and Venus goes from Pisces to Aries, where it meets Pluto. All these aspects seem to prepare us for the Solar eclipse on April 8. Read your weekly horoscope for 1-7 of April for your Sun sign, Rising sign, and Moon sign to get a complex picture of your personal forecast. 

your weekly horoscope for April 1-7

Your Weekly Horoscope for 1-7 of April

Aries: March 21 – April 19

This week may seem like a total mayhem to you, dear Aries. With so many planets in your sign, you will need to take things slower than you are used to. The conjunction between the Sun and North Node pushes you towards a new life phase, whether you like that or not. You will want to start something new, and with Venus entering your sign, chances are that you will go for what your heart desires. Whether it is a new love interest or career path, you have the cosmic support to succeed. 

Taurus: April 20 – May 20

Dear Taurus, with Jupiter and Uranus in your sign, changes will happen, especially in your career sector. You know how to choose what is best for you, and thanks to Jupiter, you can go straight to it. If you have any water sign friends, take them out for a coffee. They could use their intuition to help you identify the hidden opportunities in your life and chase them. 

Gemini: May 21 – June 20

Gemini, your ruler, Mercury, goes retrograde in Aries. But from all signs, you and Virgo are the most used with all the Mercury shenanigans. It is a great time to finalize old projects, re-visit past goals you haven’t reached yet, and question your routine to see if there’s room for a better, more productive one. What you don’t want to do during this retrograde is contact your past partners. Aries season invites you to look towards the future, while Mercury retrograde tells you to rebuild your life to suit your vision. 

Cancer: June 21 – July 22

Dear Cancer, communication will be difficult this week, and most conversations will not go your way. But this is not really a surprise with Mercury retrograde. Even so, you have thriving energy that keeps you in a great mood the entire week. You might feel the need to relax more and focus on your family, and you get the chance to do that during the first week of April. 

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Leo: July 23 – August 22

With the Sun, your ruler, in the fire sign of Aries and forming a conjunction with the North Node, you will not have time to feel this Mercury retrograde. Even if there might be some communication issues, your attention is set on something much more important: your destiny. You might feel a divine calling this week and be compelled to follow it even if you don’t understand it. This can be a time to get rid of what holds you back and start a new phase in your life. 

Virgo: August 23 – September 22

Dear Virgo, with Lilith in your sign and your ruler, Mercury, retrograde in Aries, you want to keep everything low-key this week. This is not the astrological environment where you feel safe to express yourself. Take care of your health, try to maintain your routine, and don’t make drastic decisions. Your time to shine will come, but not with Lilith and Mercury in your corner of heaven. 

Libra: September 23 – October 22

Dear Libra, your ruler planet Venus goes from Pisces to Aries, and it forms a sextile with Pluto and a slight conjunction with Neptune. That’s a lot to deal with in one week! You will go from one mood to another and feel quite extreme most of the time. Venus makes you aware of your highest dreams thanks to its conjunction with Neptune, and it gives you the strength to follow them once it moves into Aries. 

Scorpio: October 23 – November 21

Dear Scorpio, with Pluto in Aquarius and in a sextile with Venus, your heart and mind will be all over the place this week. You are focused only on the things you love and don’t even realize there’s a Mercury retrograde going on. Sure, communication might be affected, but you know how to develop your language and still have a powerful voice in your circle. Venus invites you to follow your heart and bring some light into your life, maybe even have a romantic getaway at the end of the week!

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Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21

Sagittarius, with your ruler, Jupiter, in Taurus, you might feel bored and stagnate. Your sense of humor is not at its best either, so you might not enjoy jokes and pranks, which is ironic since April Fool’s Day is just around the corner. It might be wiser to keep to yourself this week or hang out with a great friend who knows your weird side and can put up with it. Avoid sudden changes, as they might not turn the way you hope. 

Capricorn: December 22 – January 19

Dear Capricorn, you feel more dreamy than usual with your ruler, Saturn, in Pisces. The Moon in your sign will also fuel that energy and make you more sensitive and moody. You are bringing your ideas to life and feel a strong desire to chase your aspirations. However, with Mercury retrograde, you still have to pay attention to how you communicate with people. You might say something wrong because of too much lunar energy, which affects essential relationships in your life. 

Aquarius: January 20 – February 18

With Pluto in your sign and Uranus, your ruler in Taurus, you will feel challenged, dear Aquarius. But even if Uranus is uncomfortable in Taurus, you can still make it through this week by relying on your beliefs. Hang on to what you know and resist questioning your own identity. It is an excellent week to develop some ambition and go after your dreams with more drive. Uranus can force you to change certain routines that no longer serve you, but all these changes will be in your best interest. 

Pisces: February 19 – March 20

Dear Pisces, you still have a lot of planets in your sign. Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Neptune are meeting until Venus enters Aries. All these planets bring you a lot of self-awareness. You will understand your path better and know how to follow it. It is almost like the Universe is talking directly to you. And not even Mercury retrograde can slow you down. Maybe avoid sharing all the corners of your soul with other people because chances are they won’t understand it anyway. 

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