Unrequited Love In Synastry Charts
Unrequited love, a situation where feelings of love are not reciprocated, can be a profoundly challenging experience. To gain insight into such circumstances, astrologers often turn to synastry charts.
Comparing the natal chart of two individuals, Synastry provides a detailed look at the dynamics of a romantic relationship. It reveals the underlying patterns that may lead to unrequited love situations.

Synastry serves as the first step in gauging romantic compatibility. It includes house overlays, which reflect how each individual perceives the other based on the activation of specific houses. If feelings of attraction aren’t reciprocated, one possible reason could be differing house activations related to partnerships or intimacy. This analysis requires accurate birth times from both parties.
This article will primarily examine house overlays and planetary influences. A comprehensive synastry analysis includes assessing planetary contacts between the charts and the signs these planets occupy. However, the signs are less relevant during initial house overlay assessments.
Regardless of the Sun’s sign, if it lands in your 7th house, you’ll assess the person from a partnership perspective. The ten main celestial bodies from the Sun to Pluto are most influential in house overlays, while elements like Chiron, the Nodes, and asteroids have a less pronounced impact.

Deep Impact Versus Surface Impact
When Ayesha meets Jimmy, five of his planets activate her 8th House. This profound connection stimulates a powerful sexual attraction. Two of Jimmy’s planets fall in her 4th House, dredging up childhood issues, and one enters her 12th House, revealing her hidden side.
With two additional planets in her 3rd House, Jimmy touches Ayesha deeply, activating eight of her most vulnerable houses. This intense influence leads Ayesha into a romantic obsession, desiring more than friendship.
Conversely, Ayesha activates Jimmy’s 9th House with three of her planets. She broadens his horizons with new experiences and intellectual discussions, and her presence positively influences his social circle and career. Although Ayesha significantly impacts Jimmy’s life, the connection is not as viscerally deep for him.
Marriage Potential Versus Friendship
Jorge and Marie-Claude share a deep friendship, with five of her planets activating Jorge’s 7th House of partnership. To him, she embodies the ideal partner. However, Jorge’s influence on Marie-Claude is more platonic than romantic, impacting her 6th House of Work, 2nd House of Security, and 1st House of Self. While she values Jorge’s support and company, he lacks the qualities she seeks in a husband.
The Loopholes
In general, if your planets activate someone’s 5th, 7th, 8th, 12th, or 4th houses, you will likely have a romantic and intimate impact on them. However, two exceptions can influence this dynamic:
- If their Sun, Moon, Venus, or Mars resides in a house unrelated to intimacy or romance, and your Sun, Moon, Venus, or Mars conjuncts one of these planets, attraction can occur. For instance, if Seth’s Venus is in his 6th House and Bev’s Sun conjuncts his Venus, Seth perceives her as beautiful and attractive despite the house’s non-romantic context.
- Your Sun, Moon, Venus, or Mars tightly conjuncts their Ascendant. This contact may not guarantee mutual attraction but often incites a romantic or sexual interest in the Ascendant person.
Understanding house overlays helps recognize the impact you have on someone’s life. Ideal connections are reciprocal. However, unrequited love or attraction can occur when your planets influence another’s less intimate houses. Knowing the nature of these house overlays helps us understand the chemistry’s balance.

Planetary Influences
Planetary influences are critical in understanding the dynamics of unrequited love in astrology. Let’s explore some of the key planetary aspects related to unrequited love.
Venus and Saturn Aspects
Venus represents love, beauty, and harmony, while Saturn symbolizes restriction, duty, and discipline. When these two planets form hard aspects (conjunction, square, or opposition) in synastry, it can suggest unrequited love. The Venus person might feel intensely attracted to the Saturn person, but the Saturn person could be unresponsive or restrained due to personal issues or other obligations.
Moon and Mars Aspects
The Moon in astrology represents emotions, needs, and the subconscious. Mars, on the other hand, signifies drive, initiative, and aggression. If there are hard aspects between these two in a synastry chart, it could lead to emotional discord. The Moon person may desire emotional intimacy, while the Mars person seeks physical or assertive expressions of love, leading to a mismatch of expectations.
Pluto and Venus Aspects
Pluto is the planet of transformation, power, and deep psychological understanding. When Pluto forms a hard aspect with Venus, it can result in intense, obsessive love. The Venus person might be irresistibly attracted to the Pluto person, often experiencing a profound emotional depth that isn’t reciprocated, leading to feelings of unrequited love.
Sun and Neptune Aspects
Neptune is the planet of dreams, illusions, and spirituality. Hard aspects between the Sun and Neptune in synastry can create a dynamic where the Sun person idealizes the Neptune person, who might not live up to these unrealistic expectations. This misalignment can lead to unfulfilled romantic desires and, in turn, unrequited love.
Uranus and Venus Aspects
Uranus represents independence, rebellion, and sudden change. When Uranus forms a hard aspect with Venus, it can cause unpredictable swings in affection. The Venus person might feel strongly attracted to the Uranus person, but the Uranus person could be inconsistent in their affections, potentially resulting in feelings of unrequited love.
These are just some planetary influences that can play a part in unrequited love situations. It’s essential to remember that these are not definitive markers of unrequited love but are potential indicators based on astrological theory. Each relationship is unique, and personal experiences can differ greatly despite similar planetary aspects.

Composite charts
A composite chart can provide an additional layer of insight. Unlike synastry charts which compare the individual birth chart of two people to understand their dynamics, a composite chart essentially merges the two charts, creating a unique “relationship” chart. It’s calculated by finding the midpoints between the same planets of both individuals. This composite chart is thought to reveal the relationship’s purpose or destiny.
The composite chart can be seen as the “third entity” in a relationship, providing a holistic perspective of how two individuals function together as a unit. The Sun, Moon, Ascendant, and the aspects they form in a composite chart illustrate the core identity, emotional interactions, and the overall path of the relationship. The house placements also offer valuable insight into the areas of life the relationship will likely affect or focus on.

Healing and Growth
Despite the pain of unrequited love, there’s often room for personal growth. Remember that everyone, at a lot of times, experiences challenges in their love lives. Use these moments to build resilience and learn to love yourself more. Turn the negative energy into positive energy and continue to seek love.
Synastry is a useful tool for understanding the dynamics of our relationships. However, remember that astrology is not deterministic – it’s merely a guide. Regardless of what your synastry chart reveals, the most important thing is how you navigate your relationships and choose to express your feelings of love. Life, much like love, is full of surprises. Who knows? The universe may be aligning to bring you the real love you’ve sought.