Sun in Taurus Moon in Pisces Compatibility

This post looks at the compatibility between the combination of Sun in Taurus Moon in Pisces.

Taurus’ strength protects Pisces’ sensitivity. This gentle, nurturing relationship can give these signs what they both crave: serenity.

Although “she” is used for the Moon and “he” is used for the Sun sign, these pronouns are only used for convenience. 

You can look at a man’s Moon and a woman’s Sun, or the Moon and Sun placements for the partners in a same-sex couple.

Graphic of a golden taurus on a night sky background.

Sun in Taurus

Sun in Taurus is the master of stability. He is the rock that less grounded partners can lean on.

He’s in command of the physical realm, providing financial security plus all the sensual, loving comforts of home.

But he’s also interested in emotional security. Sun in Taurus wants nothing more than to share calm enjoyment of the fruits of his labors.

The downside? His pursuit of calm can result in mind-boggling stubbornness, and a refusal to engage any issue that might disrupt his routine.

Graphic of a golden Pisces on a night sky background.

Moon in Pisces

Moon in Pisces is the mistress of intuition. If her partner thinks it, she’ll pick up on it. And absorb it. And confuse it with her own feelings.

This most sensitive of Moons needs a partner with a light touch; calm enough to give her stability, gentle enough to withdraw when she needs her serenity.

Moon in Pisces has one foot in the Otherworld, always ready to escape, explore and experience anything that transcends the physical.

Because of her vulnerability, it is essential that her partner have a positive, soothing energy. Too much friction can push her into an escapist dreamworld.

Too many demands can turn her into a martyr who gives until there’s nothing left.

Sun in Taurus Moon in Pisces compatibility

Sun in Taurus will be fired up by Pisces’ vulnerability. He’ll be compelled to sooth and protect her, even if he doesn’t quite understand her confusing depths.

Moon in Pisces will feel safe and calm within Taurus’ walls. And it will be a relief for her to live with someone who has basic needs and solid energy.

If she occasionally escapes into her fantasy world (because Taurus will be reluctant to explore spiritual energy with her) she’ll always return to her grounded lover.

Together, they’ll create a safe haven based on tangible and intangible needs.

View all the Sun-Moon combinations

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